Scientific data will be stored and made available via the PANGAEA data base. PANGAEA is a geo-referenced information system that provides a long term operated data archive accessible by a data mining tool for geo-coded data to the scientific community. PANGAEA is an already operating system which is physically located at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in Bremerhaven, Germany; and is part of the World Data Center System hosting the World Data Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (WDC-MARE). Data is stored with metainformation in a relational database, accessible through a client/server system. Published data sets are freely available. In case a login is required, only the data description can be downloaded. The PANGAEA server and software are maintained through German national funding, and thus are independent from the project, which ensures that all data will also be accessible beyond the end of project.

www.pangaea.de |