Overview on the METROL work packages
WP1: Coordination, data management, modeling, and web site (lead partner MPI)
A. Project coordination and logistic preparation of field work
B. Establishment and maintenance of web-site
C. Characterization and mapping of target sites
D. GIS based information system and data analysis
E. Development of web-based numerical reaction models
F. Integrative data management
WP2: Methane distribution and geochemical gradients (lead partner NERI)
A. Pore water speciation - methane, DIC, sulfur
B. Pore water speciation - H2, volatile fatty acids
C. Sediment mixing and burial
D. Solid phase determinations and stable sulfur isotopes
E. Stable carbon isotopes
F. Diffusion coefficient determination
G. Acoustic survey of bubble distribution
H. Methane emission to the water column
WP3: Quantification of methane turnover in the sediments (lead partner UU)
A. Measurements of methanogenesis and acetogenesis
B. Measurements of methane oxidation
C. Measurements of sulfate reduction
D. Reaction model for methane turnover
E. Combined network modeling of methane transport and turnover
WP4: Structure and function of methane oxidizing communities (lead partner AWI)
A. Sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB)
B. Anaerobic methanotrophs (ANME) and methanogens
C. Isotopic signature of microbial biomarkers
WP5: Controls on methane production and oxidation (lead partner BRIS)
A. Experimental studies of chemical and physical key parameters which regulate anaerobic methane oxidation:
B. Experimental studies on the pathway of methane oxidation and the involved microbial populations
C. Analysis of experimental data and field data with respect to control of methane production and consumption by energy yield and other factors