intro goals challenges background methane fluxes the methane barrier AOM hydro-acoustics microbiology methods modeling database work packages working areas publications |
Overview on the METROL work packages WP1: Coordination, data management, modeling, and web site (lead partner MPI)
A. Project coordination and logistic preparation of field work WP2: Methane distribution and geochemical gradients (lead partner NERI)
A. Pore water speciation - methane, DIC, sulfur WP3: Quantification of methane turnover in the sediments (lead partner UU)
A. Measurements of methanogenesis and acetogenesis WP4: Structure and function of methane oxidizing communities (lead partner AWI)
A. Sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) WP5: Controls on methane production and oxidation (lead partner BRIS)
A. Experimental studies of chemical and physical key parameters which regulate anaerobic methane oxidation: |