
methane fluxes
the methane barrier
work packages
working areas


Peer reviewed articles
Other articles


- OMARC conference, Paris 15-17 September 2003
- EGU General Assembly, Nice 25-30 April 2004
- EGU General Assembly, Vienna 24-29 April 2005
- VIII International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, Vigo 05-10 September 2005
- Other conferences

Public Reports

Peer reviewed articles

Other articles

Gulin S, Polikarpov GG, Egorov VN 2003: Estimation of age of the microbial carbonate structures grown at methane seeps over the Black Sea slope. Geophysical Research Abstracts 5, 14662


OMARC conference, Paris, 15-17 Sept. 2003

EGU General Assembly 2004, Nice 25-30 April

Huebscher C, Borowski C: Seismic evidence for gas escape from mesocoic rocks in the Norwegian Trench/Skagerrak (5kb)
Laier T: Geological controls of methane seeps in the Kattegat area between Denmark and Sweden. (5kb)
Pancost R, Kelly S, Kaur G: Evidence that archea-SRB consortia are responsible for anaerobic oxidation of slowly diffusing methane. (5kb)
Niemann H, Orcutt B, Suck I, Gutt J, Damm E, Joye S, Judd A, Hovland M, Wendt G, Boetius A: Methane seeps in the North Sea: Tommeliten revisited. (8kb)

EGU General Assembly 2005, Vienna 24-29 April

Borowski C, Dale AW, Fossing H, Jensen JB, Knab NJ. Joergensen BB: Methane Gas Accumulation and Degradation in Aarhus Bay Sediments (Denmark) - a Case Study. (33kb)
Jensen JB, Laier T, Fossing H: The Bornholm Basin case study of methane in seabed sediments. (29kb)
Laier T: Study of methane flux in rapidly accumulating marine sediments using radiocarbon dating - Data from the 200 m deep Skagen-3 well, Denmark. (37kb)
Niemann H, Elvert M, Hovland M, Judd A, Boetius A, The He-180 Shipboard Scientific Party: Multiple Archaeal Groups Control Methane Emissions of a North Sea pockmark. (31kb)
Borowski C, Joergensen BB, The Poseidon 317/3 Shipboard Party: Gas-charged Sediments, Methane Seeps and carbonate-precipitating Microbial Mats on the NW Black Sea Shelf - preliminary Results of Research Project METROL from a Cruise using the manned Submersible JAGO. (37kb)
Gulin MB: Three types of methane seepages and features of location in a coastal shallow-water zone of the Black Sea. (29kb)
Jensen JB, Fossing H: Methane in the seabed sediments of the south-western Baltic Sea. (30kb)
Laier T, Jensen JB, Lykke-Andersen H: Contour map of free gas in sediments of the Skagerrak - Baltic Sea region. (30kb)
Knab NJ, Fossing H, Borowski C, Joergensen BB: Seasonal influence on methane turnover. (29kb)
Rodriguez Aguilera D, Dale AW, Vlaming GA, Fossing H, Knab N, Regnier P, Van Cappellen P: Variable depth of the sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) in Aarhus Bay (Denmark): Local sediment heterogeneity versus seasonal variability. (29kb)
Pancost RD, Kelly SP, Kaur G, Boetius A, Knab N, Bristol-Cardiff METROL Partner: Biomarker evidence for anaerobic sedimentary microbial processes in a range of merine settings: Connections between settings of various activity.

VIII International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, Vigo (Spain) 05-10 September 2005

Other conferences