
The National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), Silkeborg, Denmark participates intensively in international research projects, in particular in studies on coastal marine ecology and biogeochemistry. A European Marie Curie Training Site, the Center for Research and Monitoring of the Marine Environment - CREAM, has been established at NERI. Through numerous cruises in Danish coastal waters, they have important local know-how and data as well as experience with logistics and sediment handling and analyses. In METROL NERI will lead Work Package 2 so as to  |  | obtain high resolution acoustic data on the free gas distribution in sediments and waters of the target locations

 |  | determine the distribution of principal reactants within, above, and below the methane-sulfate transition, including, but not limited to, sulfate, methane, bicarbonate, dissolved sulfide, volatile fatty acids, and H2

 |  | measure methane concentrations in the bottom water at stations with shallow methane-sulfate transition zones

 |  | determine concentrations of solid phases that may be intimately involved in the production-consumption of key pore water species.

 |  | parameterize key sediment transport mechanisms, i.e., mixing and burial.

 |  | evaluate diffusion coefficients for sulfate and methane in key sedimentary zones.

 |  | establish high resolution stable isotope profiles for both sulfur stable isotopes and methane/dissolved inorganic carbon isotopes.

Links to NERI and CREAM (underlined in the text):
http://www.dmu.dk/forside_en.asp http://cream.dmu.dk