


Aarhus Bay fall cruise 2003 with St.F. Henry

Field trip: 28 September 2003
Sample party in NERI labs: 29 September - 2 October 2003
Research Area: Aarhus Bay
Port: Aarhus
Chief Scientist: Henrik Fossing (NERI) - Participants

Cruise objectives

The objectives for the second METROL-cruise to Aarhus Bay (fall 2003) were to

sample gravity cores (GC) and Rumohr Lot-cores (RL) in triplicates at Station M1 and M5 to estimate depth of the sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) and compare these to earlier sampling (spring 2003),

determine SRR and AOM through one whole GC core from each of the two stations

compare SO42- concentrations determined by pore water pressing and extraction of SO42- from ZnCl2 preserved sediment.