HE 208 - Heincke cruise 2004
Duration: 09 - 22 May 2004
Research Area: North Sea
Ports: Bremerhaven - Aberdeen - Aberdeen - Bremerhaven
Chief Scientist: Antje Boetius (MPI) participants
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| Cruise objectives:
The HE 208 cruise with RV Heincke investigated pockmarks and gas seeps in the North Sea. This was the third in a sequence of North Sea cruises, and apart from its genuine tasks the HE 208 also filled a number of gaps in the research of the former cruises HE 169, HE 180, and HE 191.

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Target areas in British waters were the pockmarks in UK Block 15/25, Millden Links slope, River Ythan estuary and Which Ground, and the gas seeps next to the Norwegian Gullfaks oil field. The purpose was to produce high resolution seismic data of a selection of North Sea pockmarks and to correlate these with methane plumes in the water column, and with the geochemistry and microbial activity in the sediment. The last day served for the additional hydroacoustic surveys in the Skagerrak which completed the seismic work of the METROL cruise HE 191 in 2003.
Click on cruise track image to enlarge it.

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Survey track and sampling stations in the UK Block 15/25 pockmark field (click on image to enlarge).
The colors of the survey track represent different water depths (see legend to the right), and the red sections indicate pockmarks. Sampling stations are shown as colored dots: GC = Gravity core CTD = CTD/rosette water sampler RL = Rumohr Lot TV-MUC = TV camera-guided multi corer.
High resolution sub-bottom echosounder profile of the 15/25 pockmark area. Dark blue shadings above the pockmarks indicate gas bubble flares from active seepages.